Contact us directly with your offer, if you want Exclusiv rights on a Beat. 

Below you can find our Licencing informations. 

Standard MP3 Lease

Untagged Mp3 File

No Tracked out Stems

Sell 10.000 Copies
(CDs | LPs | itunes, etc.) 

150.000 Profit. Streams
(Spotify, Apple Music, etc.) 

No Paid Liveshows

No Profit. Video Streams 

No Radio & TV airplay

No Sync Placements

Beat can still be sold!

Royalty Share
50% Buyer | 50% Producer

Duration Permanent
    *can be upgraded

Who is this license for?

Semi-professional license that is typically used by beginner artists that want to promote their song(s) on SoundCloud or Youtube (non-monetized) This license comes with an industry quality single WAV-track but not with tracked out files. Distribution on all major platforms is limited and paid performances and TV-/Radio airplay is not permitted. 

Premium WAV Lease

Untagged Mp3 & Wav Files

No Tracked out Stems

Sell 40.000 Copies
(CDs | LPs | itunes, etc.) 

400.000 Profit. Streams
(Spotify, Apple Music, etc.) 

No Paid Liveshows

No Profit. Video Streams 

No Radio & TV airplay

No Sync Placements

Beat can still be sold!

Royalty Share
60% Buyer | 40% Producer

Duration Permanent
      *can be upgraded

Who is this license for?

Semi-Professional license for artists that are releasing their song(s) on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music or sell music digitally on itunes, amazon, or as CDs & LPs. This license comes with an industry quality single WAV-track but not with tracked out files. Get a higher license if you're looking to monetize videos or have high streaming numbers. 

Trackout Lease

Untagged Mp3 & Wav Files

Tracked out Stems

Sell Unlimited Copies
(CDs | LPs | itunes, etc.) 

Unlimited Profit. Streams
(Spotify, Apple Music, etc.) 

Unlimited Paid Liveshows

Unlimited Profit. Video Streams 

Unlimited Radio & TV airplay

Unlimited Sync Placements

Beat can still be sold!

Royalty Share
70% Buyer | 30% Producer

 Duration Permanent
        *can be upgraded

Who is this license for?

Professional license with no limitations on audio/video streams & sales. This license is generally purchased by artists that believe their song has the potential to surpass the streaming caps of other licenses and become popular.The license comes with high quality tracked out files which are essential for mixing songs professionally.  We recommend this license to artists that want to pitch their song(s) to labels, playlists & TV or Radio stations.